May 26, 2016 | Leave a comment Hey you, PackMan here! The Best Deals Ever Club is an exclusive club that will help you get the best deals on your purchases. We will blog about tips and tricks to finding deals as well as list current live deals around the web. Currently this is an exclusive club and not everyone will be joining as we have to limit the amount of emails we send in our newsletter during the beta. I recommend you join as soon as possible. Our first batch of deals will include Technology, Geek Toys, Apparel, and Women Accessories. Since we are in Beta, these deals may all go out to you. During our testing phase we will be asking you questions so that you can get the deals you want. Signup below to the newsletter and we will update you however often you want. We are looking at a weekly or monthly deals newsletter right now, but in the future we could update it. * indicates required Email Address * We also got our twitter and facebook profile up and running. I recommend signing up there too. Talk to you later! Follow Us Follow Us Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestTumblrRedditEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... PackmanPackman is a programmer by day and programmer by night. That really isn't saying much but it just means he likes to program. He has other hobbies he enjoys as well, such as getting the best deals ever on tech toys and men stuff!