May 26, 2017 | Leave a comment Ok, so, I know I have not posted for a while, but for good reason. I have been learning new ways to save money and new ways to eat healthier. All in all I have failed. But, I did see an awesome deal on amazon that I thought you would enjoy. 20% off their tablets. Their tablets are OK. I would not get them without a deal like this. Come take a look. Click below and use this coupon code! Buy any 3 all-new Fire tablets and save 20% using promo code FIRE3PACK. Follow Us Follow Us * indicates required Email Address * Share this:FacebookTwitterPinterestTumblrRedditEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... PackmanPackman is a programmer by day and programmer by night. That really isn't saying much but it just means he likes to program. He has other hobbies he enjoys as well, such as getting the best deals ever on tech toys and men stuff!